logistics hub

The maritime sector plays an extremely important role in the Italian economy: it generates almost 3% of GDP, with an income multiplier of 2.35 and an estimated employment multiplier, at national level, of 1.73. It therefore seems evident that ports represent real strategic nodes capable of supporting the export and import processes of Italian companies. Ports are also strategic assets for the recovery of competitiveness of the entire country system and for the pursuit of economic development in a sustainable perspective. In Campania Region, the ports of Naples and Salerno are the first "employers" and embrace the "sectors" of economic activities with a higher level of employment, a higher number of small and medium enterprises involved, and the greatest growth potential.
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Dry Port
The "dry port" is a logistic area that represents an extension at a functional and organizational level of the port areas used for the storage of containers (yard). The main function of this logistic platform is therefore to relieve congestion in the port areas, "remote controlling" the storage of goods a few (or even hundreds of) kilometers away from the port itself. The functional subservience of the dry port to the port is achieved by providing rail services as regular and frequent as possible ("shuttle"), in order to ensure efficient management of the entire transport cycle. Furthermore, inland ports can perform dry port activities, where a substantial part of their portfolio of activities is reserved for the decongestion of port areas by dedicated rail services.
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Inland Port
The Inland Port is the organic complex of integrated facilities and services, aimed at the exchange of goods between the different modes of land transport (road, rail, river transport). In Campania Region, the inland port system has a strategic value that goes beyond the already fundamental function of nodes in support of land intermodality in a perspective of modal rebalancing. The Campania inland ports - particularly the Nola Inland Port - are key elements that cannot be ignored within the regional logistical-distribution system, which finds in the ports of Naples and Salerno the main access gates to the entire central-southern basin for intra-Mediterranean and intercontinental trade.
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